The Linda McCartney Centre
A portion of your contribution from your splendid purchase goes to the Linda McCartney Breast Cancer Research Centre in Liverpool, U.K.
The Linda McCartney Centre began its life as a nursing college when the Royal Liverpool University Hospital was built in the 70s but, once nurse training was transferred to John Moores University, the centre became under-utilised.
Many ideas about how to use the building were put forward until it was agreed it would become a treatment centre. The Forget-Me-Not Cancer Appeal was launched to help raise the £4 million needed to turn the disused building into a patient friendly centre.

Once completed, the comfortable, patient-centred building brought together a state of the art breast assessment unit, a purpose built chemotherapy unit, an outpatient unit and a research and development department to oversee over 500 different forms of research within the Royal Liverpool University Hospital. Due to the services provided by The Linda McCartney Centre people from all over the North West travel to the Centre to receive some of the most advanced and innovative treatments available in the UK today.

Statistics show there will be an increasing number of people that will use the centre in future years. With the continued support it receives from individuals, businesses and other organisations, the aim is to maintain the centre s position at the forefront of innovative treatment and care. Charitable support plays a large part in this aim and there are many ways that people can support the Linda McCartney Centre. It could be anything from giving a few hours of your time, organizing an event or supporting one of the appeal s organized events.
Angie & Ruth are pictured here with McCartney-Group GmbH Managing Director Mag. Raimund Carl and the cheque presented to The Linda McCartney Centre, following sales in Austria at a recent Magical History Tour Show.