Tea party Etiquette November 11 2017
* Greeting/handshake
* After sitting down - put purse on your lap or behind you against chair back.
* Napkin placement - unfold napkin on your lap. If you must leave temporarily, place napkin on chair.
* Sugar/lemon - sugar is placed in cup first, then thinly sliced lemon, and never milk and lemon together.
* Superstition - To put milk in tea before sugar is to cross the path of love, perhaps never to marry.
* The correct order when eating on a tea tray is to eat savories first, scones next, and sweets last.
* Scones - split horizontally with knife, curd and cream is placed on plate. Use the knife to put cream/curd on each bite. Eat with fingers, neatly.
* Proper placement of spoon - always place spoon behind the cup, never IN the cup.
* Proper holding of cup - never put pinky "up." And look into the teacup whilst drinking, not over it.